Through the Mail Success – Clint Irwin

clint irwin ttm autograph


This is the first through the mail I’ve gotten back since starting the blog.  At first I thought that writing these guys during the season, I would have no successes, but I’m kind of pumped getting this one back because this was the first of the 1977 retro cards I created.  It was in the first group of cards that I mailed out.  Total time to get to me was 19 days!  Anytime a player can send it back within a month is amazing considering it takes 10-14 days to go there and back at a minimum.  Card looks great signed!

2014 Soccer Archives Cut Autograph Prototype – Pele

pele cut auto template


I was messing around with a mini cut autograph card in the design of 1985 Topps football.  Again, I wanted to use the hundreds of business cards I have to do with whatever I want.  I’ve always loved making cut autograph cards.  Of course how many cut soccer autographs are there out there that I can do.  Still though, I really like how this looks and at a minimum I will make the Pele one.

What do you think about it.  I still have to come up with a back.

Inspiration from a Dream – Bad Wax Presents – Mini Soccer Archives

While sleeping overnight, I had a dream about mini cards.  About a year ago, I got a 500 ct. of business cards that had an error on it.  My supervisor told me to just throw it out.  Being the pack rat I am I just couldn’t do it, so I took it home and have been trying to figure out what to do with them.  At first I was going to just do some kind of mini cut autograph (which I might still do).

However I was thinking of the through the mail autograph cards I was doing and  and I thought why not shrink them.  Now I can’t do a TTM mini because there would just be no place to sign.  So I designed a 3″x2″ card without the TTM strip.

Here is the original:



Here is the mini:



So the top one is the size of a regular card, but the bottom one was designated for a business card.  I am going to print this out tomorrow so that you can see the difference.